HTML Level 2 tests

Fairly soon, we will begin to convert the NIST HTML tests to 
the DOM TS ML format.  There are roughly 600 tests that 
fall into this category.  They were originally developed for 
DOM Level 1.  When we developed these tests, they were 
designed to make use of the "everything is a node" view 
and as such, called generic routines which in turn made 
specific DOM calls.  Eventually, when you zeroed in on 
getting the root element of a document, then the appropriate 
load routine was called -- hence, they presuppose the ability 
to synchronously load a document.  In converting these tests 
for use by the DOM TS, we would like to do the following:

1) Load the document upfront
2) Get rid of the generic functions, and make direct use 
of DOM calls.
3) Express the tests in the DOM TS ML format
4) Update the tests to be compliant with DOM HTML Level 2
5) Break up the rather large HTML files, which are loaded, 
to exercise the HTML DOM calls, into smaller files, each of 
which will be used for a small set of tests.  It may also be 
possible that we decide in favor of initializing the DOM tree 
by creating these nodes rather than reading them in from 
a file.
6) Create additional tests to fully cover the HTML Module.

We are looking for help in this effort.  If you are interested in 
helping, please let us know.  When we know who the players 
are, we will discuss the new design, and break up the work 



Received on Tuesday, 30 October 2001 11:46:05 UTC