RE: Additional ecma files

Those are test suites generated by converting the corresponding .xml files in the test directory.  alltests contains all tests that are defined in tests/level1/core.  mozsafe removes three tests that
caused Mozilla 0.9.3 to lock up and not complete the tests.  It should be removed when Mozilla fixes those bugs, but it is useful in the interim.   readonly is a subset of alltests that does not
modify the document, this might be useful for testing Xalan-J which only implements the read-only DOM.

To run the tests in JSUnit, you should load testRunner.html and then enter alltests.html (or mozsafe.html if alltests locks up) and press run.  These will load DOMTestCase.js and the corresponding
suite JS file.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Brady [] 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 12:41 PM
Subject: Additional ecma files

I just generated ecmascript files for level1 and 
noticed the following files:


What are these files used for?  Curt, can you 
provide a simple overview of how we should 
run the ecmascript harness -- any additional 
code (possibly DOMTestCase.js), and how it 
all fits together?



Received on Monday, 29 October 2001 14:26:08 UTC