Avalon Testlet, Doxygen and elementreplaceattributewithself

I've added a "avalon-run" target to download a source snapshot of the Avalon Testlet framework and build testlet.jar and adapter (avalon-run.jar) that run dom?-core.jar.

When you run "java -jar dom1-core.jar", it will attempt to use junit-run.jar and junit.jar and if that fails, it will use avalon-run.jar and testlet.jar to provide the testing framework.

I've added a "dom1-core-doxygen" target that will produce a Doxygen (http://www.doxygen.org) generated documentation of the test suite.  This is similar to the "dom1-core-javadoc" except it has been configured to put the body of the test code in the documentation.  The resulting help file is large (over 2 MB) but might be more convienient for test suite review than working directly with the code or the XML sources.  doxygen.exe (or equivalent) must be on the path for this target.

I've also fixed elementattributeinuseerr to test what it was initially intended to test and added elementreplaceattributewithself to test what it inadvertantly tested.  My benchmark processor fails the test, however I believe the test is right (since the text for INUSE_ATTR_ERR explicitly says attribute of a different element and this is an attribute of the same element).  It will be on the issues list that I'll hopefully have time to prepare this weekend.

Still need to update test-to-ecmascript with the changes made to test-to-java earlier in the week.

Received on Thursday, 1 November 2001 11:00:03 UTC