SV: My iteration

Now I see what you mean. Should have understood it from your email.

Reported problems fixed. Thanks again.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Freek de Bruijn []
Skickat: den 29 maj 2001 15:20
Till: Dimitris Dimitriadis
Ämne: RE: My iteration 
Prioritet: Låg

My comments were not very clear, time for a second attempt:
- node-attrs: previousSibling seems to be missing in the node-attrs entity
definition (the "<!ENTITY % node-attrs" part)?
- node-attrs: appendChild seems to be included in both the node-attrs and
node-methods entity definitions?
- node-methods: insertBefore seems to be missing in the node-methods entity
- (minor) node-attrs: nodeType and nodeValue could be swapped in the
node-attrs entity definition as well to restore alphabetical order?

Regards, Freek
Freek de Bruijn
Software Engineer
X-Hive Corporation
phone: +31 10 7108629

-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitris Dimitriadis []
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 14:56
To: 'Freek de Bruijn'
Cc: ''
Subject: SV: My iteration

I forgot to include the DTD

previousSibling is actually there, defined last among the attributes
appendChild is indeed given as a method
insertBefore is there, fifth definition in node-methods
nodeType and nodeValue swapped to keep alphabetical order

I include the updated file.

Thanks for the report.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Freek de Bruijn []
Skickat: den 29 maj 2001 10:07
Till: Dimitris Dimitriadis
Ämne: RE: My iteration

Hello Dimitris,

Just some small comments on the last version of the DTD you sent to the DOM
TS mailing list:
- node-attrs: previousSibling is missing?
- node-attrs: appendChild is a method, not an attribute?
- (minor) node-attrs: nodeType and nodeValue could be swapped to restore
alphabetical order?
- node-methods: insertBefore is missing?

I hope to have some time to read more of it, but maybe you could already
solve these small issues.

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2001 09:24:41 UTC