SV: Using RDF to describe DOM tests

Just a small addition: the test itself will also be identified by a URI
(proper) as it will exist as a separate file.

A collection of those, ie. a suite, will also be identifiable by a URI.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Arnold, Curt []
Skickat: den 22 maj 2001 16:13
Till: ''
Kopia: ''
Ämne: Using RDF to describe DOM tests

I have suggested to the DOM test suite WG that it might be beneficial
to use RDF to describe the tests to be formulated and their relations 
to the recommendations, approval status, etc.  Unfortunately, my lack 
of knowledge with RDF has made it difficult for me to effectively
advocate that approach.

I was wondering if there was anyone here would might be able to
participate the the www-dom-ts mailing list or at least be able to provide
some guidance on using RDF to describe DOM tests.

Here is a synopsis:

The definitive definition of a DOM tests is in XML and the test is
identified by a fragment URI.

A test suite is a collection of tests and other suites and is identified
by a URI.

Tests will need to identify their source, creation date, versioning
information, and relationship to particular passages in the corresponding

The "big" questions now are:

Whether to use RDF or a custom metadata approach?

What immediate benefits would using RDF have?  For example, could some
browser access the RDF file and guide you through the maze.

Should the metadata be embedded in the test definitions or 
in a separate file or both?

Is DCMES ( the
approach to start with?

What, if any, custom properties need to be defined.  For example,
should the relationship between a test and a suite be expressed
using a generic <dc:relation/> tag or should we define more specialized
properties like <domts:childOf/>.

I took my first baby steps with RDF with a trivial example of DCMES
describing some example tests at

I would appreciate any comments.

Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2001 16:51:15 UTC