Greetings and initial thoughts

First of all, for those of you who are not aware David Brownell and I started an XML Conformance project at SourceForge some time ago (  It has been quiet recently, but
if anyone wants to use its CVS to work on stuff, please let me know.

I also hacked the Ecmascript DOM tests so that it could be used to test the Xerces-COM and Adobe SVG Viewer implementations of the DOM spec.  I did put the NIST Java DOM test harness in its CVS with
good intentions of smoothing out its use with other various parsers and making the tests compatible with JDOM but never got rolling.

I'm a little hesitant about creating a micro-language for writing the tests.  I think that it might be better and write Java Native Interface wrappers for non-Java implementations.

Received on Monday, 26 March 2001 18:48:44 UTC