dom-to-dtd.xsl, wd-dom.patch and build.xml

I've added three files to the xmlconf CVS that I'm contributing to the DOM TS effort:

dom-to-dtd.xsl - generates an DTD from a DOM spec
wd-dom.patch - adds the missing xmlns:xlink attribute to wd-dom.xml when applied with CVS's patch utility.
build.xml - Ant build file

These can be downloaded from

Ant's <style> task had problems with external entities, however using an Ant nightly build and the last Xalan release and the accompaning Xerces parser, seemed to work.

To set up Ant:

Download a recent nightly binary and optional task jar of Ant 1.4 from  

Expand Ant and rename top level directory from jakarta-ant-1.4alpha to ant1.4

Place *optional.jar in /ant1.4/lib directory and remove jaxp.jar and crimson.jar

Download Xalan-J 2.1 from

Extract xalan.jar and xerces.jar and place in /ant1.4/lib

Add jdk1.x/bin, /ant1.4/bin and cvs or wincvs to path

Set ANT_HOME=x:/ant1.4
SET JAVA_HOME=x:/jdk1.x

Running Ant

c:/>ant dom1-init

Will download, extract xml sources and add missing xmlns:xlink attribute.  Will be run automatically by any of the following tasks.

c:/>ant dom1-schema
c:/>ant dom1-dtd

Will generate dom1.xsd or dom1.dtd in ./build directory

c:/>ant dom1-interfaces

Will generate dom1-interfaces.xml in ./build directory

c:/>ant dom1-subjects

Will generate dom1-subjects.rdf in ./build directory

Received on Friday, 29 June 2001 09:50:28 UTC