SV: SV: Recap and action items

comments inlined

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Fred L. Drake, Jr. []
Skickat: den 6 juni 2001 17:39
Till: Dimitris Dimitriadis
Ämne: Re: SV: Recap and action items

Dimitris Dimitriadis writes:
 > [dd] See above, I think what you say is fine and well, but I wan the
 > open for submitting directly via mail (for both practical and historical
 > reasons). So, what about both?

  Perhaps someone interested in original submissions via email could
volunteer to migrate such submissions into the SF tracker?
  The advantage of direct-to-SF submission is mostly evident for
submitters with SF logins, as it is easier for them to track issues
they submit, so that should be encouraged.  Whoever migrates an issue
into the tracker ends up either doing it anonmously or tracking
migrated issues/tests as well as issues/tests they submit themselves.

[dd] Sure, let's look into that. The benefits of direct submissions are
obvious, but we would want to use mail as well. 


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations

Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2001 13:00:52 UTC