Re: SV: SV: Minutes in brief and action items

Dimitris Dimitriadis writes:
 > In general, it looks as if we need to differentiate the site for
 > developing/issue tracking, from the site where resources will finally
 > reside, which is (primarily) Mirrors can be put
 > anywhere, which is good since we enhance visibility.

  Python uses two different sites, but that's in large part a
historical accident. was created while
we (PythonLabs) was not able to access for updates due to
our move to a new employer.  Otherwise, I think we'd have stuck to a
single site.
  In general, I think it's easier to just add a directory to the
general site with the few pages of XHTML giving developer information
-- there's not enough needed for it to be a problem for mirrors.
Services such as the issue tracker should only be linked to from those
pages, and should ideally be located someplace like SourceForge.
  Of course, the designer in me would want to see a different CSS
stylesheet used for the developer information.  ;-)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.  <fdrake at>
PythonLabs at Digital Creations

Received on Friday, 1 June 2001 16:07:12 UTC