Now running

I've just updated the CVS with a substantial amount of work that now will now allow a DOM 1 Core test suite to be generated, compiled and run using JUnit.

The process assumes that you have populated the tests/level1/core with test definitions and files/level1/core with corresponding data files.  I've tested this with an ad-hoc collection of about 200 tests.

To build dist/dom1-core.jar which contains the compiled tests, java source code (for test failure analysis) and data files.

ant dom1-core-jar

To build junit-run.jar which contains the JUnit support classes to run any test jar:

ant junit-run

To run a test case or test suite:

Put dom1-core.jar, junit-run.jar, junit.jar from JUnit 3.7 ( and a JAXP 1.1 compatible parser (such as xerces.jar) in one directory (or on the classpath)

java -jar junit-run.jar testclassname

For example,

java -jar junit-run.jar org.w3c.domts.level1.core.attrCreateDocumentFragment

To define a suite of tests, create an XML file in the test directory that looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "dom1.dtd">
<suite name="coreAll" targetURI="" xmlns="" package="org.w3c.domts.level1.core">
<suite.member href="attrCreateDocumentFragment.xml"/>
<suite.member href="attrCreateTextNode.xml"/>
<suite.member href="attrDefaultValue.xml"/>
<suite.member href="attrEffectiveValue.xml"/>


The test harness will run throw the test suite twice (currently), once with expandEntityReferences, ignoringElementContentWhitespace, namespaceAware, and validating = false and once with all those properties set to true.  If a test (or suite) is only appropriate for a particular setting, then the required values need to be asserted in the prolog of the test.  For example,

    <implementationAttribute name="namespaceAware" value="false"/>

The generated code attempts (haven't tested it yet) to change the settings just for this case to be compatible with the requirements of this test.

The test-to-java transform will now copy any comment in the test definition that contains the string "Copyright" to the generated Java code.

Received on Monday, 23 July 2001 01:25:11 UTC