- From: Dimitris Dimitriadis <dimitris.dimitriadis@improve.se>
- Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 19:16:49 +0200
- To: "'Curt Arnold '" <carnold@houston.rr.com>, "'www-dom-ts@w3.org '" <www-dom-ts@w3.org>
Sounds good, please allow for a few days before I comment as I'm on vacation. /Dimitris -----Original Message----- From: Curt Arnold To: www-dom-ts@w3.org Sent: 2001-07-10 18:48 Subject: Updated build.xml and test-to-java.xsl Minor changes that got code generation and compilation working with the new directory structure. I removed the get-nist* targets that used the NIST test matrix files to jumpstart a tests directory. Mary is working on getting their submission ready for committing to the CVS. The dom1-core-validate-tests target will validate the tests against their declared DTD. The dom2-subjects target will build dom2-[subpart]-subjects with metadata about interfaces, methods, in each of the subparts, core, events, etc. If necessary, all the individual subparts can be combined (possibly with other DOM levels) into one big metadata file, so I didn't feel compelled to add them all together at this time. I'll be working on getting the subset of tests that I can currently compile to actually run.
Received on Wednesday, 11 July 2001 13:17:52 UTC