Re: contentType effects for test writers (build updated for HTML L2)

We are trying to translate our existing HTML tests so that they may be 
used for DOM HTML Level 2.  In doing so, we need to write the tests 
so that they can be used for either HTML 4.0 or XHTML 1.0.  I think we've 
already agreed that we will use two different files to load content -- one 
will conform to HTML4.0 and will be named file.html -- e.g, anchor.html -- 
and the other will conform to XHTML 1.0, and be named file.xml -- 
e.g, anchor.xml -- 

As Curt points out, we will leave the extension off the <load> element, and 
allow the extension to be determined by the contentType.  When we write 
tests for both HTML and XHTML, we will also put an ignoreCase="auto" on 
the <assertEquals> tag, etc.  In addition to this, do we update the 
alltests.xml, html_alltests.xml, and the xml_alltests.xml files according to what 
tests should be run under what circumstances?  What about the 
<implementationAttribute> tag that was previously mentioned?  Is this still 

In setting up the HTML and XHTML files, should the tag names in both files 
be all lowercase?  The actual values of specific tags shouldn't make a difference, 
should they?  When we try to access a particular tag via a DOM call, should we 
always use lowercase values?  Is it necessary to use ignoreCase="auto" on all 
calls to nodeNames or tagNames -- there may be several calls before a particular 
assertion is made...

Any need to also support XHTML 1.1 -- Module Based XHTML?

We have about 100 of the HTML tests translated, and just need to make minor 
changes to support both HTML and XHTML, and then we'll check them into CVS.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Curt Arnold 
  Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 12:34 PM
  Subject: contentType effects for test writers (build updated for HTML L2)

  I want to recap the implications of the contentType work on the tests.

  All test cases should NOT specify an extension on the <load> element, but allow the extension to be determined by the contentType.  All existing cases in the CVS have been updated to remove the .xml extension from the <load> element.

  Some tests cases that target both HTML and XML should use ignoreCase="auto" to allow the case-sensitivity to vary depending on the contentType.  Typically, these would be cases that check the nodeName or tagName of selected node.  The expected value should be lower-case.  For example:

  <assertEquals actual="docElemNodeName" expected='"html"' ignoreCase="auto" id="nodeName"/>

  A very small handful of cases will need to have conditional sections based on the contentType being processed.  The most common are tests that check the document element name which is typically "svg" for "image/xml+svg" instead of "staff".

  For each recommendation, there should be contentType specific alltests suites.

  If you find that you need to write a lot of stuff in the test to adapt to contentTypes, then I haven't done my job well.

  p.s. I've updated build.xml to point to the new HTML working draft.  You will need to manually remove any existing file from lib/specs since the new "offline" behavior will not update a previously downloaded specification zip file.

Received on Monday, 10 December 2001 14:58:33 UTC