FW: DOM Level 2 HTML in Last Call

DOM Level 2 HTML has just been moved to Last Call (see
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2001OctDec/0129.html).  I'll
update the build.xml to point to the new version over the weekend and raise
any issues encountered.

I'm also going to try to finish up the contentType extensions that allow
tests to be run on different types of content (specifically XML, HTML, XHTML
and SVG) and enable HTML testing on IE and Mozilla.

We haven't had any more HTML tests committed.  I would really like to have a
look at as many HTML tests as possible before we put DOM L1 Core to bed
since I assume that there are at least some tests that don't use HTML
specific interfaces and are really just Core (and likely Core L1) tests
operating on HTML documents.  Any chance that we could have more tests

Should be pretty quick to filter them, if an HTML test validates against a
modified version of dom1.xsd (modified to change the namespace from Level-1
to Level-2), it is most likely really a DOM L1 Core test.

Received on Friday, 7 December 2001 14:18:08 UTC