SV: [General] Need for a JavaML to DOMTSML transform

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Arnold, Curt []
Skickat: den 15 augusti 2001 20:04
Till: ''
Ämne: RE: [General] Need for a JavaML to DOMTSML transform

Dimitris wrote:
> Do we have anything from a few months back when we were 
> discussing this that we could use to write such a transform? 
> Should we write it from scratch?
> I've received a reminder concerning this from people having 
> tests in JavaML that want to transform them to DOMTSML.

No that was just a possibility, not something that I ever wrote.  Probably
easier just to convert the files manually from the Java source, but would
have to really look at the source documents to see
what the best approach would be.  Given the esoteric nature of our little
domtest language, I think we should be open, at least in this phase, to
submissions in other languages since we can probably
convert the tests into domtest pretty quickly.

[dd] Good that we agree, we definitely need to be able to convert tests,
either from code or from, say JavaML, to our language. Perhaps not trivial,
but I can't imagine it's impossible. 

The request came from someone who has Java tests and can convert them to
JavaML, so the question is if we can provide a way to convert them to

Is our "little language" [...] "esoteric"? :) Remind me to put that in the

Received on Thursday, 16 August 2001 06:11:29 UTC