SV: Early ECMAScript transform

Thanks, Curt

As far as our vote is concerned, I can't see that we have a conclusive vote;
however, it seems from Mary's and Fred's mails that we could go for the
.domtest option (given that Fred will get used to it in 5-6 years and that
Mary doesn't have a strong preference). Please advise if my reading is

Metadata is one of the few things still in need of being resolved. I haven't
dug through the archives, but I remember that the discussion was RDF vs. our
own metadata. Back then, myself and Mary went for the latter, whereas Curt
leaned toward the former. Any changes there?

I agree on the need to have some tests comitted to do some relevant testing
and check our files, from scratch. We should try to do this as soon as

I'll try to look over the items list to see what still needs to be done.
>From othe top of my head, we still have documentation. 


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Arnold, Curt []
Skickat: den 14 augusti 2001 23:54
Till: ''
Ämne: Early ECMAScript transform

When I made my last update to the CVS, I also put up test-to-ecmascript.xsl
which was an initial effort on a Test to ECMAScript transform that I had
been working on last week.  The structure of the
resulting .js file is very similar to the generated .java files.  I haven't
finished an initial pass at the support files that would allow generated
tests to run, but since there had been interest, I
thought that I would pass along what I had.

Received on Wednesday, 15 August 2001 12:23:00 UTC