From:  Yellowstone Information Services, USA, Roger Thibault, President
Subject: Rebuking The New World Order/Religious Persecution Act HR 2431

Dear Friends of Yellowstone ( )

Just a quick note about two topics - the long awaited book REBUKING THE NEW
WORLD ORDER and the Religious Persecution Act HR 2431.

Our Book REBUKING THE NEW WORLD ORDER is being printed as you read this
today, 7/9/98.  We expect the books to be on a Roadway Express truck to us
early next week.  The book was priced at $15.00 but we want to make sure we
find good homes for all 10,000 copies quickly, so we are offering the book
for just $5.00/copy when you order five or more books (we pay shipping and
handling to anywhere in the world).  To read a portion or all of the book
before ordering, go to our website now at
Please send your orders to:

Yellowstone Information Services
RD 2 Box 42 A
Bloomingdale, OH 43910  USA   
Phone: 740-944-1657      FAX: 1668       e-mail: 

The book is a great non-intrusive way for bringing your friends and
relatives back to Jesus Christ (Don't tell them that!).  So order a bundle
today.  Thanks for helping us to get the book launched around the world.

Also, should you be unable to purchase the book, see our website about
requesting a free copy (we'll just need a peel-off mailing label from you
to facilitate shipping since we're understaffed).

Your book orders will help keep our website "on the air".

Regarding HR 2431, the "Religious Persecution Act" (it is actually called
the "Freedom from Religious Persecution Act"), many Christians have been
blinded in giving their support to the bill.  Groups like Dr. Dobson's
Focus On The Family, and an assortment of Protestant, Catholic, and
"Bible-Only" believing groups have shot themselves in the foot on this one.
 We'll tell you why on our main page at  

Lastly, it seems that Pope John Paul II's MOTU PROPRIO AD TUENDAM FIDEM
regarding dissidents in the Church may be a last call for the world to be
faithful to Jesus Christ before things get a little thicker.  Some think it
may be preparatory for a final Marian Dogma.  What are your thoughts on

Thanks again for your continuing support and remember to keep your
daughters and wives in the house when Bill Clinton is visiting your state. 

If you've received multiple copies of this letter, please let us know so we
can delete the duplicate addresses, and our apologies.  To be removed from
this list type "remove" in the subject line of your e-mail to us. 

In Jesus,

Roger Thibault

Received on Friday, 10 July 1998 03:50:37 UTC