[DPF] Defining event types in terms of DPF-based expressions?

Hi Dan,

This message contains a response to comments on


"For each property, information may be provided for use in  
initialization, and for determining the conditions under which events  
are raised to signal updates to the property value." This gave me the  
impression that I could use conditional expressions such as those in  
Appendix B, to define event triggering conditions (perhaps conceived  
of as defining event types). The expression used in Appendix B2  
interacts with the HTML via the DISelect spec. Could the expression  
instead be associated with a type of event, so that scripting in the  
style of B1 would be possible.

eg. "dpf:component()/device/battery < 20" ...as a trigger condition  
to raise a LowBatteryConditionEvent.

Is this possible? planned? or a misunderstanding of your approach?


No, there is no intent to support conditional event triggering in  
this version of the specification. We have updated the XPath example  
to try and clarify the meaning.

-Keith Waters

Received on Thursday, 23 June 2005 13:11:18 UTC