Comments to "Delivery Context: Interfaces (DCI) Accessing Static and Dynamic Properties", W3C Working Draft 11 November 2005 from Obigo AB

Below follow a number of comments on "Delivery Context: Interfaces (DCI)
Accessing Static and Dynamic Properties", W3C Working Draft 11 November 2005
from Obigo AB:

* DCI specifies a general framework for HTML pages to access device
properties. However, the tangible set of device properties to access is not
included in the DCI specification. Which are the plans for the definition of
these properties? Do you have any cooperation with other W3C groups or with
other standardization organizations? Alternatives are for example to look at
the OMA UAProf properties or to start out from the JSR APIs and to create
ECMAscript bindings.

* In appendix B there are two informative use cases for DCI. However, we
would like to see more tangible use cases in order to achieve a better
understanding of the motivation for DCI and what it can be used for. 

* Security is important. Values can be set by scripts and there must be
functionality for access control. Should there functionality to distinguish
between any 3rd party web site and "safe" sites? Should there be a
separation of "safe" properties that can be accessed by any site and
"sensitive" properties that can be accessed only by "safe" sites.

* The interpretation of the acronym DCI is inconsistent. At some places in
the specification it is said to mean "Device Context Interfaces" and at
other places it is said to mean "Delivery Context Interfaces".

* For your information: Within the OMA BAC-UAProf working group there is an
activity called "Device Profiles Evolution" (DPE) that aims a defining an
enhanced device profiles mechanism which allows a device to convey the
dynamic capabilities to a service provider in real time, thereby ensuring
that the service provider can provide content best suited to the
capabilities of the device at that time. As this activity deals with the
problems of addressing dynamic changes of device characteristics there may
be connection points between the work with W3C DCI and OMA DPE.

Best regards
  Claes Nilsson on behalf of the Obigo standardization team.


Claes Nilsson, M.Sc.E.E.

Senior Specification & Standardization Engineer

Mobile: +46 705 56 68 78 <> 

Obigo AB

A Teleca Company

Scheelevägen 17, SE-22370 Lund, Sweden

Direct: +46 46 32 71 34

Fax: +46 46 32 70 01 <> <> 


Received on Friday, 2 December 2005 10:52:04 UTC