plotting accessibility

Is transcoding the same as re-adaption?

And is it safe to safe scaling is part of the field of accessibility?

And is it to safe "device independence" is part of the field of

Is there a difference between "universal" accessibility (crops up a lot
in academic literature), and vanilla "accessibility"?

I am trying desperately to apply logic to this all. :)

Does this little bit of UTF-8 art look plausible:

                    [universal] accessibility
     |            |                          |
Usability       Device independence       Special needs
                  |         |                * Visual
                  |       Scaling            * Hearing
            Multi-Modality                   * Cognitive

Perhaps someone could point me out to some "authoritative sources". :)

I wrote a bit of piece on text width I would appreciate comments on:

It's quite frustrating how I go back and forth between this email list
and the web blog. The two should converge...

I wonder if I should I should start (cross-)posting to w3c-wai-ig!?

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2004 04:50:03 UTC