A sort of byte range: Abstract range

Hi, I'm Cristian and i'm writing from University of Salerno, Italy.

Since i read the Internet Draft aboout Byte Range with HTTP URL
i have been interested in the discussion. I think that many server
should provide those kind of services.

As regard as me, i've implemented the Abstract Range, a sort of
first chapter range wich provides information about the document itself.

The abstract is written by the author of the document and  provides:

HTTp response header;

Ability to read from URL or from request header;

Special management of the trasmission based upon the quality of the channel
   or defaults value 

... and many other features.

All this with Apache HTTP server.

If anybody is interestd in this, don't hesitate to contact 

crigal@pantelleria.dia.unisa.it .

Thanks, and special thanks to Luotenen and Lee for the draft.


Received on Thursday, 19 September 1996 10:43:49 UTC