BellSouth Quality Criteria Review

Date: Mon Jun 19 13:32:01 1995 CST
From: Roger E Broadwater <ccbr10!pzythkk>
Message-ID: <PSW@ccbr10>
Subject: BellSouth Quality Criteria Review

To: Marc Bonis (alhr!bonis_m at BHBR01)
cc: Ramirez 2277 (i!/dd~rfc#d#822~www#d#announce#l#a#r#www10#p#w3#p#org at BHBR01)
cc: Richard W Miller

* MSG *

---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes ---------------------------
Date: 6/19/95 11:53AM
To: Roger E Broadwater at LCANPO02
Subject: BellSouth Quality Criteria Review
     Louisiana Capacity Management's coordinator will be Richard Miller.

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Subject: BellSouth Quality Criteria Review
Author:  ALHR!BONIS_M at BHBR01
Date:    6/19/95 11:53 AM

From:     Marc Bonis <ALHR!BONIS_M>
To:       David Butler        <MSTE!BUTLER_D>,
          Trudy M. Peacock    <ALMC!PEACOCK_GM>, 
          Rp Butler           <ALSP!BUTLER_RP>, 
          Roger E. Broadwater <ccbr10!pzythkk>, 
          David M. Barron     <ALHR!BARRON_DM>, 
          Cathye McDonald     <ALHR!MCDONALD_C>, 
          J. K. McCotter      <ALHR!MCCOTTER_JK>, 
          Gayle S. Stephens   <ALMC!STEPHENS_GS>, 
          Peter C. Evans      <ALMC!EVANS_PC>, 
          Billy Owen          <uos1!ycntfxg>
Cc:       Edgar F. Poree      <ALHR!POREE_E>,
          Vanessa C. Matthews <ALMC!MATTHEWS_VC>, 
          Crystal Rondeno     <ALMC!RONDENO_C>, 
          Sandra Banks        <MSTE!BANKS_S>
           The BellSouth Quality Criteria outlines the values, goals,
        and systems created by senior leadership for delivering ever- 
        improving customer value. A review of this Criteria by your 
        organization's managers is an excellent way for them to 
        familiarize themselves with the material and to customize 
        these processes into your organization. The review takes 
        approximately 1 1/2 hours. Scheduling for all or, at least, 
        one of your managers can be arranged on either a departmental 
        or an interdepartmental basis.
           Beginning in July, the River District's quality consultants
        will be contacting your coordinator to schedule this review 
        for your manager(s). The reviews will begin in the latter
        part of July and continue through September with the intent of 
        all departments completing the review before the fourth quarter 
        of this year.
           Please send me the name of your coordinator no later than
        June 30, 1995. Call me at 528-2207 if you have any questions 
        regarding this matter. Thanks for your cooperation.

Received on Monday, 19 June 1995 20:32:24 UTC