- From: Sebastian Hellmann <pr-aksw@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
- Date: Fri, 01 May 2015 02:15:47 +0200
- To: www-annotation@w3.org
- Message-ID: <5542C5B3.8010107@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
Call for Research & Innovation Papers SEMANTiCS 2015 Transfer // Engineering // Community 11th International Conference on Semantic Systems Vienna, Austria September 15-17, 2015 http://www.semantics.cc Important Dates (Research & Innovation) ------------------------------------------------------ * Abstract Submission Deadline: May 22, 2015 * Paper Submission Deadline: May 29, 2015 * Notification of Acceptance: July 10, 2015 * Camera-Ready Paper: July 24, 2015 SEMANTiCS proceedings will be published by ACM ICP. Submissions via Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=semantics2015research The calls for “Industry & Use Case Presentations” and “Posters and Demos” at SEMANTiCS 2015 can be found here:http://www.semantics.cc/ <http://www.semantics.cc/> The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, who understand its benefits and encounter its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers and researchers from organisations ranging from NPOs, through public administrations to the largest companies in the world. Attendees learn from industry experts and top researchers about emerging trends and topics in the fields of semantic software, enterprise data, linked data & open data strategies, methodologies in knowledge modelling and text & data analytics. The SEMANTiCS community is highly diverse; attendees have responsibilities in interlinking areas like knowledge management, technical documentation, e-commerce, big data analytics, enterprise search, document management, business intelligence and enterprise vocabulary management. The success of last year’s conference in Leipzig with more than 230 attendees from 22 countries proves that SEMANTiCS 2015 will continue a long tradition of bringing together colleagues from around the world. There will be presentations on industry implementations, use case prototypes, best practices, panels, papers and posters to discuss semantic systems in birds-of-a-feather sessions as well as informal settings. SEMANTICS addresses problems common among information managers, software engineers, IT-architects and various specialist departments working to develop, implement and/or evaluate semantic software systems. The SEMANTiCS program is a rich mix of technical talks, panel discussions of important topics and presentations by people who make things work - just like you. In addition, attendees can network with experts in a variety of fields. These relationships provide great value to organisations as they encounter subtle technical issues in any stage of implementation. The expertise gained by SEMANTiCS attendees has a long-term impact on their careers and organisations. These factors make SEMANTiCS for our community the major industry related event across Europe. The following ‘horizontals’ (research) and ‘verticals’ (industries) topics are of interest: * Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies * Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search * Data Integration & Enterprise Linked Data * Big Data & Text Analytics * Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization * Semantic Information Management * Document Management & Content Management * Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management * Industry & Engineering * Life Sciences & Health Care * Public Administration * Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) * Media, Publishing & Advertising * Financial & Insurance Industry * Telecommunications * Energy, Transport & Environment Research / Innovation Papers -------------------------------------- The Research & Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes the submission of papers on novel scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) and must not exceed 8 pages in length for full papers and 4 pages for short papers, including references and optional appendices. All accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the digital library of the ACM ICP Series under the ISBN-No.: 978-1-4503-1972-0. Research & Innovation papers should be submitted through EasyChair at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=semantics2015research. Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Other formats will not be accepted. For the camera-ready version, the source files (Latex, Word Perfect, Word) will also be needed. Important Dates (Research & Innovation) * Abstract Submission Deadline: May 22, 2015 * Paper Submission Deadline: May 29, 2015 * Notification of Acceptance: June 26, 2015 * Camera-Ready Paper: July 15 , 2015 Research and Innovation Chairs: Sebastian Hellmann, AKSW, Universität Leipzig Josiane Xavier Parreira, Siemens AG Österreich Programme Committee: * Alessandro Adamou, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University * Guadalupe Aguado-De-Cea, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid * Rajendra Akerkar, Senior Researcher/Professor, Western Norway Research Institute * Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT CNRS * Ciro Baron, University of Leipzig * Charalampos Bratsas, Web Science Program, Mathematics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece * Martin Brümmer, Universität Leipzig * Volha Bryl, University of Mannheim * Paul Buitelaar, Insight centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland Galway * Irene Celino, CEFRIEL * Pierre-Antoine Champin, LIRIS * Christian Chiarcos, * Key-Sun Choi, KAIST * Ioana-Georgiana Ciuciu, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble * Roland Cornelissen, Metamatter * Gianluca Correndo, University of Southampton * Roberta Cuel, University of Trento * Claudia D'Amato, University of Bari * Mathieu D'Aquin, Knowledge Media Institute, the Open University * Aba-Sah Dadzie, University of Birmingham * Enrico Daga, The Open University * Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari * Stefan Dietze, L3S Research Center * Marin Dimitrov, Ontotext * Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler * Samhaa El-Beltagy, Cairo University * Henrik Eriksson, Linkping University * Anna Fensel, Semantic Technology Institute (STI) Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck * Miriam Fernandez, Knowledge Media Institute * Agata Filipowska, Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics * Marco Fossati, Fondazione Bruno Kessler * Fabien Gandon, Inria * Roberto Garcia, Universitat de Lleida * José María García, STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck * Wolfgang Gassler, University of Innsbruck, Insitute of Computer Science, Research Group Databases and Information Systems * Alain Giboin, INRIA Sophia Antipolis - Méditerranée * Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Intelligent Software Components (iSOCO) S.A. * Jorge Gracia, Ontology Engineering Group. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid * Michael Granitzer, University of Passau * Andreas Harth, AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * Bernhard Haslhofer, * Benjamin Heitmann, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway * Eelco Herder, L3S Research Center * Andreas Hotho, University of Wuerzburg * Sirko Hunnius, IfG.CC - The Potsdam eGovernment Competence Center * Anja Jentzsch, Hasso Plattner Institut * Efstratios Kontopoulos, CERTH-ITI * Christoph Lange, University of Bonn * Ivo Lašek, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University * Nelia Lasierra Beamonte, STI, University of Innsbruck * Steffen Lohmann, University of Stuttgart * Vanessa Lopez, IBM Research * Sandra Lovrenčić, University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics Varazdin, Pavlinska 2, HR-42000 Varazdin, Croatia * Markus Luczak-Roesch, University of Southampton * Elisa Marengo, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano * John P. Mccrae, Cognitive Interaction Technology, Center of Excellence * Pablo Mendes, IBM Research Almaden * Uroš Milošević, Institute Mihailo Pupin * Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, Ontology Engineering Group. Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial. Facultad de Informática. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid * Andrea Moro, Sapienza, Universita di Roma * Lyndon Nixon, MODUL University * Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, STLab, ISTC-CNR * Leo Obrst, MITRE * Vito Claudio Ostuni, Politecnico di Bari * Viviana Patti, Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Torino * Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim * Silvio Peroni, University of Bologna and ISTC-CNR * Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business - WU Wien * Mateusz Radzimski, Universidad Carlos III Madrid * Achim Rettinger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * Giuseppe Rizzo, EURECOM * Marco Rospocher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler * Matthew Rowe, Lancaster University * Eugen Ruppert, TU Darmstadt - FG Language Technology * Marta Sabou, MODUL University Vienna * Muhammad Saleem, AKSW * Felix Sasaki, W3C * Bernhard Schandl, mySugr GmbH * Pavel Shvaiko, Informatica Trentina * Elena Simperl, University of Southampton * Ronald Stamper, Measur Ltd * Nadine Steinmetz, Hasso Plattner Institute for Software Systems Engineering * Holger Stenzhorn, Saarland University Hospital * Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid * Vojtěch Svátek, University of Economics, Prague * Alexandru Todor, AG Corporate Semantic Web * Robert Tolksdorf, Freie Universität Berlin, Networked Information Systems * Ioan Toma, STI Innsbruck * Jürgen Umbrich, Vienna University of Economy and Business (WU) * Ricardo Usbeck, University of Leipzig * Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche, INSERM UMRS 872, éq.20, 15, rue de l’école de médecine, 75006 Paris, France * Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University - iMinds * Maria Esther Vidal, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Dept. Computer Science * Boris Villazón-Terrazas, iSOCO, Intelligent Software Components * Krzysztof Wecel, Poznan University of Economics * Katrin Weller, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences * Rupert Westenthaler, Salzburg Research * Patrick Westphal, Universität Leipzig * Wolfram Wöß, Institute for Application Oriented Knowledge Processing, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria * Eva Zangerle, Databases and Information Systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck SEMANTiCS 2015 Organisation Committee: * Axel Polleres, Conference Chair * Tassilo Pellegrini, Conference Chair * Christian Dirschl, Industry Chair * Sebastian Hellmann, Research & Innovation Chair * Josiane Xavier Parreira, Research & Innovation Chair * Agata Filipowska, Poster and Demo Chair * Ruben Verborgh, Poster and Demo Chair * Anna Fensel, Workshop Chair -- Sebastian Hellmann AKSW/NLP2RDF research group Insitute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) and DBpedia Association Events: * *Sept. 1-5, 2014* Conference Week in Leipzig, including ** *Sept 2nd*, MLODE 2014 <http://mlode2014.nlp2rdf.org/> ** *Sept 3rd*, 2nd DBpedia Community Meeting <http://wiki.dbpedia.org/meetings/Leipzig2014> ** *Sept 4th-5th*, SEMANTiCS (formerly i-SEMANTICS) <http://semantics.cc/> Venha para a Alemanha como PhD: http://bis.informatik.uni-leipzig.de/csf Projects: http://dbpedia.org, http://nlp2rdf.org, http://linguistics.okfn.org, https://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt <http://www.w3.org/community/ld4lt> Homepage: http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann Research Group: http://aksw.org Thesis: http://tinyurl.com/sh-thesis-summary http://tinyurl.com/sh-thesis
Received on Friday, 1 May 2015 00:50:05 UTC