CFP: 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2010

23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2010
Perth, Australia, 12-15 October 2010

The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems
(CBMS 2010) is intended to provide an international forum for discussing the
latest results in the field of computational medicine. The scientific
program of CBMS 2010 will consist of invited keynote talks given by leading
scientists in the field, and regular and special track sessions that cover a
broad array of issues which relate computing to medicine.


Network and Telemedicine Systems
Medical Databases & Information Systems
Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Medical Devices with Embedded Computers
Bioinformatics in Medicine
Software Systems in Medicine
Pervasive Health Systems and Services
Web-based Delivery of Medical Information
Medical Image Segmentation & Compression
Content Analysis of Biomedical Image Data
Knowledge-Based & Decision Support Systems
Hand-held Computing Applications in Medicine
Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
Signal and Image Processing in Medicine
Multimedia Biomedical Databases

CBMS 2010 invites original previously unpublished contributions that are not
submitted concurrently to a journal or another conference. Many of the above
listed topics are represented by corresponding Special Tracks, while others
are solely covered by the general CBMS track. Prospective authors are
expected to submit their contributions to one of the corresponding Special
Tracks or to the general track if none of the special tracks is relevant.


ST1: Computational Proteomics and Genomics
ST2: Knowledge Discovery and Decision Systems in Biomedicine
ST3: Ontologies for Biomedical Systems
ST4: HealthGrid & Cloud Computing
ST5: Technology Enhanced Learning in Medical Education
ST6: Intelligent Patient Management
ST7: Data Streams in Healthcare
ST8: Supporting Collaboration among Healthcare Workers
ST9: Telemedicine
ST10: Computer-Based Systems for Mental Health
ST11: Image Informatics in Biomedical Research and Clinical Medicine
ST12: e-Health


Papers should be submitted electronically using EasyChair online submission
system. The papers must be prepared following the IEEE two-column format and
should not exceed the length of 6 (six) Letter-sized pages. LaTeX or
Microsoft Word templates can be used when preparing the papers. Please, note
that only PDF format of submissions is allowed.

Submission web site:

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. The
proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. At least
one of the authors of accepted papers is required to register and present
the work at the conference; otherwise their papers will be removed from the
digital library after the conference.


Submission deadline for regular papers:         24 June 2010
Deadline for tutorial submission:                       24 June 2010
Notification of acceptation for papers and tutorials:    2 Aug 2010
Final camera ready due:                                  2 Sep 2010
Author registration:                                     2 Sep 2010


Engineers, scientists, clinicians and managers involved in medical computing
projects are encouraged to submit papers to the symposium and/or attend the
symposium. The symposium provides its attendees with an opportunity to
experience state-of-the-art research and development in a variety of topics
directly and indirectly related to their own work. In addition to research
papers, keynote speakers and tutorial sessions it provides participants with
an opportunity to come up-to-date on important technological issues. The
symposium encourages the participation of students engaged in
research/development in computer-based medical systems.

Organizing Committee


Tharam Dillon, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Daniel Rubin, National Center for Biomedical Ontologies, USA
William Gallagher, University College Dublin, Ireland

Amandeep Sidhu, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Alexey Tsymbal, Siemens, Germany


Mykola Pechenizkiy, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Tony Hu, Drexel University, USA


Maja Hadzic, Curtin University of Technology, Australia
Jake Chen, Indiana University, USA


Ya-Ping Phoebe Chen, Deakin University, Australia
Xiaofang Zhou, University of Queensland, Australia


Carolyn McGregor, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
Meifania Chen, Curtin University of Technology, Australia

Received on Sunday, 25 April 2010 06:08:15 UTC