Re: Still alive?

On 21/03/2010 08:15, Dorian Taylor (Lists) wrote:
> Hi Matthew,
> On 21-Mar-10, at 12:56 AM, Matthew Wilson wrote:
>>> Odd, I just pulled it (along with Annozilla, annotations) from CVS
>>> because their install.rdf files wouldn't allow FF 3.6.
>>> nsIXPointerService does not seem to get registered. I don't have a lot
>>> of experience diagnosing FF extensions, so that's the best I can say.
>> Probably there was a problem with the binary components. I've updated
>> the extension now so that it is marked as compatible with 3.6. I'll
>> look at annozilla/annotations later.
> Strange. Are there parts that don't get rebuilt with the makefile?

The binary files are checked in to CVS too, so it may be that make 
didn't see the need to rebuild them. I thought that the checked-in 
versions were correct, but perhaps there's some problem with them. (Or 
maybe it's another issue altogether - it just seems the most likely 

>> > #1 thing I want to do is click the little star in FF and have that
>> > go to my own back end.
>> That isn't something which annozilla does.
> I had intended to write that part myself. I was mostly looking for
> something that implemented the Annotea interface so I wasn't starting
> from scratch. I'll keep you apprised of my progress!

OK, great. There's an annozilla mailing list, bugzilla etc at


Received on Sunday, 21 March 2010 09:03:42 UTC