Re: Annotation in line

I seem to vaguely remember that we had some problems with Algae syntax.
There seem to have been two different versions of the syntax, and things
break down if the version used on the client side and the version used
on the server side don't match.

There was also a plan to upgrade the server interface to use Sparql,
and I think Eric had an implementation using some pre-REC Sparql syntax,
but I'm not sure this is deployed. Ideally, we would move Annotea servers
and clients to Sqarql, because it is now a Recommendation.

Regards,    Martin.

At 01:45 07/03/16, Fanny MANON wrote:
>I've tested yet the W3C annotation server and I wanted to know why it wasn't possible anymore to create annotation "in line", using algae script in the annotest interface (I can't find it anymore at <> ...
>I've installed an annotea server in my debian but it doesn't work very well (bad response) so I can't test my new client application. 
>Can you help me quickly ?
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#-#-#  Martin J. Du"rst, Assoc. Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University

Received on Tuesday, 20 March 2007 03:04:48 UTC