2 MORE DAYS: Early Registration ends: OCT. 18, FOIS 2006 - Nov. 9-11, Baltimore, MD, USA
2nd CFP - SAAW2006 Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop at ISWC-2006
2nd CFP - Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop at ISWC-2006
Call For Participation: FOIS 2006 - International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Nov. 9-11, Baltimore, MD, USA
CFP: NCOR's Ontology for the Intelligence Community: Towards Effective Exploitation and Integration of Intelligence Resources, Nov 30-Dec 1, Columbia MD, USA
DEADLINE EXTENDED - SAAW2006 Semantic Authoring and Annotation Workshop at ISWC-2006
DEADLINE EXTENDED - Semantic Desktop and Social Semantic Collaboration Workshop at ISWC-2006
Early Registration ends: OCT. 18, FINAL CFP: FOIS 2006 - Nov. 9-11, Baltimore, MD, USA
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 October 2006 14:09:30 UTC