- From: Martin Dames <dames.martin@googlemail.com>
- Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2006 17:07:17 +0200
- To: www-annotation@w3.org
Hello Friends, I'm just trying to install the annotation server an FreeBSD 6.1. I followed the Server HOWTO under http://www.w3.org/1999/02/26-modules/User/Annotations-HOWTO.html#authDBform and I am done so far. Apache 1.3 is configured and everything should be fine, but: 2 issues that I don't understand: If I am trying to get access under http://<server>/annotations the script is telling me that the users file doesn't exist. But I used the following command to create a user: # dbmmanage /usr/local/etc/apache/users add martin martin User martin added with password encrypted to martin using crypt And the script outputs the following text: failed to execute $self->{USER_RECORDS} = new W3C::Annotations::DBMUserRecords(-errorHandler => $self, -type=>'dbm', -file=>/usr/local/etc/apache/users);: No such file or directory W3C::Util::Exception thrown at /usr/local/perl/modules/W3C/Annotations/CGI/annotate:247 .... .... So, That's not true! The second issue is, that I read something about the Makefile.PL: "Makefile.PL attempts to find a user/password database and check the format, however, you may need to intercede if it fails." So, I started it: [root@server /usr/local/perl/modules/W3C/Database]# perl Makefile.PL Checking if your kit is complete... Warning: the following files are missing in your kit: Basekit.pm Please inform the author. Warning: prerequisite W3C::Util::Basekit 0.91 not found. Could not open 'Basekit.pm': No such file or directory at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/ExtUtils/MM_Unix.pm line 2649. Then I checked this if the server is not complete installed ( I did this like in the HowTo explained): [root@server /usr/local/perl/modules/W3C/Database]# cd .. [root@server /usr/local/perl/modules/W3C]# cd .. [root@server /usr/local/perl/modules]# find . -name Base* ../W3C/Util/Basekit.pm So, the Basekit.pm is there.... but the Makefile cannot find this!?!? I'm really stucking at this. Do you have any suggestion? Thank you very much, Martin.
Received on Friday, 9 June 2006 13:51:19 UTC