- From: Siegfried Handschuh <handschuh@acm.org>
- Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 18:23:09 +0200
- To: www-annotation@w3.org
--------------------------------------------------------------- We apologize if you receive this message more than once. --------------------------------------------------------------- Call for papers 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation (SemAnnot 2005) http://km.aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de/ws/semannot2005 Workshop at the 4rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2005) 7 November 2005 Galway, Ireland --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- *** OBJECTIVES *** While a lot of basic infrastructure exists now for the Semantic Web (OWL, Editors, Inference-Engines), the lack of semantic metadata is still a major hurdle for the broad success of the Semantic Web. To overcome this obstacle, one needs methods that facilitate and accelerate the creation of metadata at a mass scale. The workshop will address the issue of upgrading the actual web towards the semantic web by means of (automated) annotated strategies for web documents. The target audience are researchers and developers working towards the proliferation of semantic annotation. The goal of the workshop is to share experiences and to establish common strategies for semantic annotation of the current web covering various aspects of the actual web, like structured vs. instructed information, static vs. dynamic web pages, textual vs. multimedia or multi-modal information. These aspects require complementary approaches to semantic annotation as they bear their own set of characteristics. The annotation strategy for upgrading the actual web towards the semantic web will thus have to ensure the exchange of content annotation of various types of information modalities, their merging and interoperability. *** Workshop Goals *** The workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from such research areas as the Semantic Web, knowledge acquisition, human language technology, document processing, terminology, information science, and multimedia content, among others, to discuss various aspects of knowledge markup and semantic annotation in an interdisciplinary way. *** TOPICS OF INTEREST *** Potential topics include but are not limited to: - General description of semantic annotation tools/strategies for upgrading the current web to the Semantic Web; - A common semantic annotation strategy for upgrading the web to the semantic web (including multimedia content) - NLP tools/strategies for semantic annotation of the current web - Multimedia tools/strategies for semantic annotation of the current web - Semantic annotation of static vs. dynamic web documents - Manual vs. automated annotation. Can automation be effectively deployed? - Statistical vs. rule-based semantic annotation strategies - Manual and/or automated semantic annotation of the current web: when only manually? In which cases can automation be effectively deployed? - Multimedia annotation (e.g. by using MPEG-7) - Collaborative, shared annotation - Evaluation of Semantic Annotation - *** SUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS *** We invite two types of technical paper submissions for this workshop: - Technical papers (10 pages) - Short position papers (2 pages) *** IMPORTANT DATES *** Deadline submissions: August 1st, 2005 Notification of acceptance: September 1st, 2005 Camera ready deadline: October 1st, 2005 --------------------------------------------------------------- *** WORKSHOP ORGANIZING COMMITTEE *** Workshop Organising Committee Siegfried Handschuh (co-chair, contact person), FZI Karlsruhe & Ontoprise GmbH Thierry Declerck (co-chair), Saarland University & DFKI GmbH Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz
Received on Friday, 24 June 2005 16:23:56 UTC