Fwd: [announcement] Piggy-Bank 1.0.0

This work from David Huynk of the MIT Haystack and Simile projects
is very close to some things we'd been hoping to do with Annotea.

Definitely worth a look.


>Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 19:02:21 -0500
>From: Stefano Mazzocchi <stefanom@mit.edu>
>Subject: [announcement] Piggy-Bank 1.0.0
>The SIMILE Project and the Haystack Project are very proud and extremely excited to jointly announce the availability of the first extension to Mozilla Firefox that adds RDF harvesting, searching and browsing capabilities to your everyday web browser.
>What Mosaic did for the web, we think Piggy-Bank will do for the semantic web!
>Piggy-Bank is your personal information tidbits bank. We like to think of it as bookmarks on steroids.
>It sits there quietly, while you browse, and harvests the RDF tidbits found in the pages you browse.... RSS, FOAF, BibTEX, and lets you save them into your local triplestore. This is just the beginning: expect more RDF ontologies (as well as more automatic RDF-ization!) to be supported in the future!
>Piggy-Bank is the result of the amazing work of David Huynh inspired by Prof. David Karger, that wants to bring some of the research work done by the Haystack Group to the masses.
>Piggy-Bank is built around the SIMILE Longwell RDF browser, which is a general-purpose facetted RDF browser that has already attracted a lot of attention. Reuse rather than reinvent is the spirit that drives this integration.
>Piggy-Bank, like all other SIMILE software, is open source software distributed under a BSD license, and we aim to build a diverse and open development community around it. So, no more waiting and point your firefox to
> http://simile.mit.edu/piggy-bank/
>where you can install it with the simplicity of any other firefox extension.
>For comments, suggestions and/or criticism, we welcome you to join our mailing lists
> http://simile.mit.edu/mail.html
>or use our issue tracking tool to tell us about bug reports or feature requests
> http://simile.mit.edu/issues/
>Thank you for your kind attention and happy RDF harvesting!!!
>On behalf of the SIMILE and Haystack Project...
>Stefano Mazzocchi
>Research Scientist                 Digital Libraries Research Group
>Massachusetts Institute of Technology            location: E25-131C
>77 Massachusetts Ave                   telephone: +1 (617) 253-1096
>Cambridge, MA  02139-4307              email: stefanom at mit . edu

Received on Friday, 11 February 2005 14:47:24 UTC