Re: [seweb-list] Re: A discussion: Is semantic web an old fashioned idea? Is it bubble, unworthy or an interesting research area - Post your comments

Quoting "John F. Sowa" <>:

> Every compiler has to maintain a symbol table to support those
> features, and XSLT does not support symbol tables.

I'm pretty sure you could fake it. I'm pretty sure you'd drive yourself insane

> The 1959 language called LISP was the most successful platform
> for supporting new languages that anyone has ever invented.
> Lex and YACC only support syntax, but LISP has been used to
> implement any semantics anyone could imagine.  It is sad that
> the W3C did not adopt LISP or at least something with equivalent
> power for supporting language design.

I think LISP inspired the way collections are represented in RDF.

Jon Hanna
"…it has been truly said that hackers have even more words for
equipment failures than Yiddish has for obnoxious people." - jargon.txt

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2004 22:22:21 UTC