- From: <ugociraci@libero.it>
- Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 12:57:36 +0200
- To: "www-annotation" <www-annotation@w3.org>
Hallo, I am a student of University of Brescia (Italy) and I study for Information Engeneering. Now I'm studying for an annotational system implemented by Electronical for Automation Departement to value between this one and Annotea what common guide lines there are. So, we can follow a right direction of work to develop a "standard well-formed" framework and rebuild our system on W3C technologies. My question is if there are any common features between Annotea project and EMMA. I don't know EMMA (I have read only a bit about EMMA) but I have understood that is a language to make up human machine interaction, elsewhere Annotea project is based on a RDF schema (annotea_ns) and HTTP (in few words). Thanks very much. PS. I'm sorry for my bad english. ---------------------- Ugo Cirać mail.:ugociraci@libero.it ----------------------
Received on Monday, 17 May 2004 05:27:30 UTC