Re: ZAnnot server and Windows

* Jim Ley <> [2003-01-19 16:40-0000]
> "Charles McCathieNevile" <> wrote in message
> > But if anyone else has
> > installed the ZAnnot server on Windows they might be able to help me
> out...
> >
> > I had no problem posting Annotations to it, but for some reason it will
> not
> > return them to me. I tested using the ruby command-line annodemo tools at
> > and using Amaya 7.1 and
> it
> > doesn't get anything. The same tools work fine to post to the server, and
> the
> > annotations are shown in the server management interface, and on Moc OS X
> the
> > same tools all work fine. I have only tested on Windows using localhost
> and
> > annotating local files (I don't have a Windows machine that I can set up
> as
> > an online server at the moment).
> >
> > Any help available?
> If you want me to chuck it onto a windows server, I'll offer up one of mine
> to the cause, and we can then have a publically available one to play
> against.

Sounds good to me. Soon we might have enough of these to start investigating 
service discovery and query routing between them...


Received on Sunday, 19 January 2003 14:12:39 UTC