Re: Using XPointer with HTML

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Jim Ley wrote:

> > > Ah, of course, sorry -  I was thinking in a WAI mindset where
> identifying
> > > the language is a requirement.
> >
> > What, in the document and not in the HTTP headers?
> Sure:
> | 4.3 Identify the primary natural language of a document. [Priority 3]
> | For example, in HTML set the "lang" attribute on the HTML element.
> | In XML, use "xml:lang".

No, that doesn't specify that you have to use a lang attribute.
It cites that as an example of how to meet the requirement, not
a prescription for it.

Nick Kew

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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 13:11:32 UTC