Re: Using XPointer with HTML

From: "Jim Ley" <>
> You can't follow [xhtml 1.0] guidelines and have a valid XHTML 1.1.
> (Guidline C.7 creates an invalid document.)

You can. A document with no lang= or xml:lang= would not contradict
guideline C.7. (You can use the http headers to express the content

> so the simple Appendix C guidelines are not sufficient.

You didn't ask if *all* xhtml 1.1 documents could be served as text/html.
But even HTML 4 says that unrecognised attributes should be ignored, so an
xml:lang attribute doesn't do any actual harm.

> The HTML WG have obviously already solved
> this is served as text/html - could you
> make public how you solved it?

To my knowledge there is nothing in that document that precludes it from
being served as text/html, with the exception of the closing slash quirk
which is the basis for being able to serve any XHTML document as text/html.

Best wishes,

Steven Pemberton

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 06:28:05 UTC