Re: Orphaned annotations

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, Jose Kahan wrote:

> Have you document your fuzzy XPointer proposal? All I have is some remarks
> on it in this thread.

No.  It's just something we reached between us; a simple recipe:
	- Normalise to XML
	- Construct a pointer into the DOM on that XML

e.g. "[1]/body[1]/p[3]/a[1]"

>	 It would make it easier to evaluate it if you mailed
> it or put it online. We can put it online on the Annotea pages if
> you want, to faciliate its discussion.

Well, it's basically the same thing you already have in Annotea,
except in that we don't do ranges.

Nick Kew

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Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 13:27:35 UTC