Re: Installing annotation server on Windows

Here is patch describing the changes I made to code to get the annotation 
server running (compiling, not fully functioning) on Windows NT.

1. Both access and annotate have the first line changed to point to the 
directory of the Perl executable. [-- In fact I've just noticed that access 
replaces the parameter with a new value. I meant to delete it, as in the 
annotate script.]

2. Both access and annotate have the 'storeIn' parameter removed from the 
Debug constructor. This leaves the W3CDebugCGI object to determine the 

3. Fixed a small error in the namespace exception object (I think).

4. Changed W3CDebugCGI to use the built-in time function instead of `date` 
(since the output of the `date` command is OS-dependent). (The only change 
here is that a numerical value of the day of the week is used instead of 
the name of the day of the week). This change should work cross-platform. 
Similarly the stuff with syscall is replaced by the use of the module 
Time::HiRes, available from CPAN and easily installed on Windows systems. 
Again this change should work cross-platform.

5. Changed W3CDebugCGI to default to the directory C:/temp instead of /tmp. 
Probably this should be changed to do some -d tests to try and find an 
existing directory.

The configuration also needed some changing, in particular, in the Conf 
directory, a file annotate.prop was needed with an entry

auth.database.parms: -type => 'sdbm', -file => '[path to DBM user file]'

The path here should use forward-slashes as a directory separator, not 

This still does not make the server fully functional. After POSTing a 
couple of annotations, trying to retrieve them gave the errors

Error dumping
unknown namespace: "W3C" '((?p W3C::Rdf::Uri=HASH(0x27bfacc) ?o)
Error dumping
unknown namespace: "W3C" '((?p W3C::Rdf::Uri=HASH(0x27bb138) ?o)

Not sure why this is the case.


Index: perl/modules/W3C/Annotations/CGI/access
RCS file: /sources/public/perl/modules/W3C/Annotations/CGI/access,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 access
--- access	2001/07/23 01:43:08	1.31
+++ access	2002/03/12 12:40:52
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

  ## accounts: an account administrator designed for use
  #  with the W3C Annotations project.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
      eval {
  	$W3C::Util::W3CDebugCGI::DEBUG_SESSION = $ARGV[1]; # use a session id 
like 957296047.909868;
  	$query = new W3C::Util::W3CDebugCGI($0, $ARGV[0] eq 'DEBUG',
-					    {-storeIn => '/tmp',
+					    {-storeIn => 'C:/temp',
  					     -dieNoOpen => 1, -logExt => '.log',
  					     -rerun => 'w3c_rerun',
  					     -reconstruct => 'reconstruct'});
Index: perl/modules/W3C/Annotations/CGI/annotate
RCS file: /sources/public/perl/modules/W3C/Annotations/CGI/annotate,v
retrieving revision 1.129
diff -u -r1.129 annotate
--- annotate	2002/03/08 22:37:42	1.129
+++ annotate	2002/03/12 12:40:52
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

  ## W3C annotate - store annotations into, and query from, a persistant RDF DB

@@ -199,7 +199,6 @@
      $query = new W3C::Util::W3CDebugCGI($0, $ARGV[0] eq 'DEBUG',
  					{-dieNoOpen => 1,
  					 -logExt => '.log',
-					 -storeIn => '/tmp',
  					 -rerun => 'w3c_rerun',
  					 -mergeQueryAndPOST => 1});

@@ -805,8 +804,8 @@
    <hr />
    <h2><a name=\"byUri\">Query Annotations</a></h2>
    <form method=\"get\" action=\"$selfUri\">
-    annotation to retreive: <input name=\"w3c_annotation\" size=55 
-    body to retreive: <input name=\"w3c_body\" size=55 
+    annotation to retrieve: <input name=\"w3c_annotation\" size=55 
+    body to retrieve: <input name=\"w3c_body\" size=55 
      uris to check for annotations: <input name=\"w3c_annotates\" size=55 
      threads: <input name=\"w3c_replyTree\" size=55 
      <textarea name=\"w3c_algaeQuery\" rows=\"13\" 
Index: perl/modules/W3C/SAX/
RCS file: /sources/public/perl/modules/W3C/SAX/,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41
---	2001/12/17 17:55:29	1.41
+++	2002/03/12 12:40:54
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
      my ($proto, @parms) = @_;
      my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
      my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@parms);
-    $self->missingParm('-namespace') if (!$self->{-target});
+    $self->missingParm('-namespace') if (!$self->{-namespace});
      return $self;
Index: perl/modules/W3C/Util/
RCS file: /sources/public/perl/modules/W3C/Util/,v
retrieving revision 1.76
diff -u -r1.76
---	2002/02/27 09:45:58	1.76
+++	2002/03/12 12:40:55
@@ -44,27 +44,25 @@
  	    $self = {%$headerLineOrNameOrSibling};
  	    $self->{ENTRY_TYPE} = $entryType;
  	} else {
-	    require 'sys/';
-	    my $timestamp=pack('LL', ());
-	    syscall( &SYS_gettimeofday, $timestamp, 0) != -1 ||
-		&throw(new W3C::Util::Exception(-message => "gettimeofday: $!"));
-	    my @timestamp = unpack('LL', $timestamp);
+	    use Time::HiRes qw/gettimeofday/;
+        my @timestamp = gettimeofday();
+	    $self->{SESSION_ID} = $timestamp[0].'.'.$timestamp[1];
+	    my $timestamp = $self->{SESSION_ID}.' '.`date`;
  	    my $sessionId = $timestamp[0].'.'.$timestamp[1];
-	    my $dateStr = `date`;
-	    if ($dateStr !~ m/^(\w+) (\w+)\s+(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (?:(\w+) 
)?(\d+)$/) {
-		&throw(new W3C::Util::Exception(-message => "bad date \"$dateStr\""));
-	    }
+        my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = 
  	    $self = {NAME => $headerLineOrNameOrSibling,
  		     ENTRY_TYPE => $entryType,
  		     SESSION_ID => $sessionId,
-		     DAY => $1,
-		     MON => $MonStrToNum{$2},
-		     DATE => $3,
-		     HOUR => $4,
-		     MIN => $5,
-		     SEC => $6,
-		     ZONE => $7,
-		     YEAR => $8};
+		     DAY => $wday,  # should be _name of_ day of week
+		     MON => 1+$mon,
+		     DATE => $mday,
+		     HOUR => $hour,
+		     MIN => $min,
+		     SEC => $sec,
+		     ZONE => $ENV{'TZ'},
+		     YEAR => 1900+$year};
      } else {
  	if ($headerLineOrNameOrSibling !~ m/^([^\s]+) (\w+ )?([0-9\.]+) (\w+) 
(\w+)\s+(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (?:(\w+) )?(\d+)$/) {
@@ -207,7 +205,7 @@
      $scriptName =~ m/([\w\-\.]+)/;
      $scriptName = $1;
      $reUseCGI = 0 if (!defined $reUseCGI);
-    $storeIn = '/tmp/' if (!defined $storeIn);
+    $storeIn = 'C:/temp/' if (!defined $storeIn);
      $storeIn .= '/' if($storeIn !~ /\/\Z/);
      my ($baseName, $self);
      #($baseName = $scriptName) =~ s/^.*\/([^\/\.]+).*$/$1/;

Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2002 14:20:28 UTC