Re: storing EARL in annotea

Jim, I had a quick chat with ericP about this, and he says that you need
to connect the sub query type things with each other with the variable
names (correct me if I've got this wrong eric)

so your query

> (ask '(
>  ( ?b ?s)
>  ( ?q
> )
> ) collect '())

needs to be something like

 (ask '(
  ( ?webcontent ?subject)
  ( ?assertion
  ( ?assertion )
 ) collect '())

(I changed the variable names to make hem clearer to me.)

nadia probably knows better than I...ericP is en route to the US so wont
be able to help for a bit.


On Fri, 1 Mar 2002, Jim Ley wrote:

> "Nadia Heninger" <>
> > I'm not sure how Jim is posting to annotea,
> > but I'm guessing that since the reports he gets back haven't been
> > transformed the way I'm seeing mine be changed, he's at least including
> the
> > EARL in the body of an annotation.
> Can you provide me with the Algae queries you use, and pages where you
> have annotations stored.  So far all Algae Queries I do on EARL submitted
> comes back all disconnected graphs, losing all the information - I assume
> it's my queries, but haven't yet solved the problem.
> For example, the algae:
> (ask '(
>  ( ?b ?s)
>  ( ?q
> )
> ) collect '())
> returns (modified to be valid.)
> which doesn't associate the testSubject with the predicate, I always get
> this result.  I need Algae help!
> > A few warnings from my experience playing with annotea:
> >
> > 1. The documentation at
> > is wrong.  Annotest gives errors if you try to just post straight XML
> to
> > it.
> I have two clients which both post straight XML without problems, the
> above page is wrong, but only in that it omits the <?xml ... > with that
> included it works fine for me - what problems do you have?
> is a typical submitted
> XML, with:
>   Content-Type: application/xml
>   Accept: text/xml
>   user-agent: FillyJonk IRC Bot
>   Content-Length: 1000
> as the headers (content length obviously accurate.)
> > Look at the source for
> > for examples of how to
> > submit things - for example, to submit an annotation you have post your
> > content as w3c_annotate=<url-encoded rdf>.  Same idea for algae
> queries.
> I definately don't like this for submission - url length is getting long,
> I don't trust proxy's even if I can trust annotest to be okay with it.
> > 3. Jim has already discovered this, but annotest has a bug when it
> names
> > other RDF namespaces, and EARL 0.95 properties come back as
> > <0.95:whatever>, which isn't legal and causes IE to complain and refuse
> to
> > show me anything.
> This is solved if you use one of the test-servers - I'll leave it to
> EricP if he wants to open it up to the list.
> Also I believe it's important we agree on a namespace to use, algae
> queries really need to know what namespace you are using and it would be
> nice if we could all use the same one.
> Jim.

Received on Friday, 1 March 2002 08:42:47 UTC