Re: Reply example

At 07:04 PM 1/11/2002 +0000, Matthew Wilson wrote:
>But I don't see the Reply thread displayed in Amaya for that annotation. Am 
>I doing something wrong?
>I am running Amaya 5.3 on Win98. I go to the W3 page, do Annotations->Load, 
>then double click on the pencil icon to the left of the W3C logo. I see the 
>annotation, but no replies. The tutorial says that I should see a thread of 

ah!  The annotations and replies to the annotation are not queried
until you do Annotations->Load within the annotation window.

Or you could change your Amaya preferences to always query
whenever you open a new URL in the Annotations->Configure
' Autoload remote annotations'  checkbox.

Received on Friday, 11 January 2002 15:09:57 UTC