Re: Unknown Exception

Thank you very much for your help.
I downloaded the perllibs from your cvs archive at 31th of october 2001.
I use red hat linux 7.1(Kernel 2.4.2-2), apache webserver 1.3.12 and mysql Ver 11.13 Distrib 3.23.36
Because you said that there might be a problem with the database, i checked all the following things:

-the property file rdf.prop is in: /usr/local/perl/modules/Conf/
 ( the libraries are in /usr/local/perl/modules/W3C/Rdf)

- in the rdf.prop i changed the AnnotateServer to another name(is it ok to choose it freely?'s the 
  same name as the mysql user i added)

I can login to the mysql-database on the command line with the annotea user and watch the
rdf database:

| Tables_in_rdf       |
| AboutContainers     |
| AttributionClosures |
| Attributions        |
| ContainerSubjects   |
| Containers          |
| Descriptions        |
| DomainDetails       |
| Fragments           |
| GenIds              |
| MappedNodes         |
| MappedStatements    |
| RdfIds              |
| Statements          |
| Strings             |
| TypeClosures        |
| Uris                |

I hope some of these informations will help you.
Shall i download and install the new perllibs from your cvs archive?
I will now continue my search for the problem...


Received on Monday, 7 January 2002 19:22:40 UTC