Problems with Annotea server

Appologies if this is the wrong mailing list, I couldn't work out if this
was appropriate or not.

I've been attempting to install the Annotea server, I have all the pieces
installed (from the CVS archive), but when the CGI script attempts to open
the users file I created I get:

[Thu May 24 12:35:31 2001] [error] [client] (2)No such file
or directory: could not open dbm auth file: /usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/Conf/users
[Thu May 24 12:35:31 2001] [error] [client] DBM user swh not
found: /usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/W3C/Annotations/CGI/annotate

Obviously The file /usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/Conf/users
exists, and is readable by the CGI process:

[swh@inanna swh]$ ls -l /usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/Conf/users
-rw-r--r--    1 swh      cvs         12288 May 23 16:08 /usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/Conf/users
[swh@inanna swh]$ file /usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/Conf/users
/usr/local/src/w3cperl-cvs/perl/modules/Conf/users: Berkeley DB (Hash, version 7, native byte-order)

Originally the file it was looking for was /etc/apache/conf/users or similar,
so I altered the code, but it doesn't seem to have helped.

Any help appreciated,

Stephen Harris
Room 4211, IAM Research Group
University of Southampton, UK
                                  07970 557047              023 8059 6680

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2001 06:49:10 UTC