vocab proposal: language of annotation (i18n support)

(Just a quick note to capture an idea that cropped up over lunch with Marja)

Our XML/RDF annotation vocabularies should capture the language primarily
used in any textual content within the annotation. For eg., as a
dc:language property of the annotation. This would allow consumer
applications to filter out a particular natural languages view of some
annotation resource. For example use case, Spanish or chinese or ....
annotations of http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/ could be pulled out via an RDF
query. For users browsing through content in a language that isn't their
first, this could be a really useful service: one might view a page
overlaid with all the annotations of it that have been made in some
selected natural language. (I'd expect this to be one of a vast number of
ways we'll select annotations of interest using RDF queries).

Related idea: annotation servers implemented over HTTP might be able to
pick up language of the annotator from HTTP headers, rather than needing
special case support.


(semantic web geek)

Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2001 06:00:10 UTC