Re: what to do with dc:creator in Annotea?

Simon Raboczi <> wrote:

> I basically agree with this, but I'd suggest doing it as a non-binary
> relation (RDF M&S section 7.3) and using rdf:value instead of (or in
> addition to) dc:title.  The RDF processor might not know that the property
> dc:title is more appropriate than the others as a default literal value.
> It does know that rdf:value is special.

Yes, but in this situation, I think rdf:value might be too special.
rdf:value seems to imply that the other properties are qualifications of the
primary value, not properties of a resource. The example given in the spec

    rdf:value "500" ;
    :measurement :pounds .

resulting in "500 pounds". We're not doing that here, we're instead
providing a title, so dc:title is more appropriate.

I'm a member of the DCMI Architecture WG and we're working on a "dumb-down"
system to allow Dublin Core and RDF applications to receive literal values
from complex data like this. Using dc:title and rdfs:label are both
acceptable according to the spec.

More information and a demo at:


[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Sunday, 22 April 2001 14:13:02 UTC