Re: what to do with dc:creator in Annotea?

Marja-Riitta Koivunen <> wrote:

> I'm not sure where this needs to be corrected. Could we have more structure
> in dc:creator so that the applications could use it too or just ask the
> server to put the two names together to a string?
> How are other people using this?

Many people believe that dc:creator should point to a new RDF resource, with
properties coming off of that, as opposed to just a text string. Something

<#annotation> dc:creator :X10101 .

    dc:title "Aaron Swartz"
    foaf:given "Aaron" ;
    foaf:family "Swartz" ;
    foaf:mbox <> .

I'd think this is perfectly acceptable, because it contains the structured
information, as well as the dc:title value for simpler processors that just
want a string.

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Friday, 20 April 2001 16:50:01 UTC