Re: Annotea Features and EARL

Hi Jose,
Would you give a pointer to the annotea bookmarklet?
For folks on this thread not familiar with bookmarklets see

At 01:16 PM 4/10/01 +0200, Jose Kahan wrote:
>Hello Leonard,
>Thanks for your message. First, a word of clarification. Annotea is
>a model that provides an RDF annotation schema and a protocol. When using
>annotations in Amaya, you're actually using an instance of an Annotea
>client (built-in into Amaya). We now have another client that uses javascript
>and attaches to your client as a bookmarklet. As our protocol and model
>are open, other clients could be written.
>On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 11:44:36AM -0400, Leonard R. Kasday wrote:
> > As some of you know, we in the Web Accessibility Initiatiatve Evaluation
> > and Repair (ER) Group have been working on a language, EARL [1] that
> > describes accessibility of web sites to people with disabilities.  The 
> best
> > way to implement EARL may well be as an application of Annotea.  Would you
> > tell us your thoughts on the following features?  (rather than cross
> > posting, I figure it's best to keep them on the Annotea list.  I'll put a
> > pointer to this discussion on the ER list),
> >
> >
> > 1. How does or will Annotea deal with documents that change?  For example,
> > if a part of a document changes, comments regarding other parts of the
> > document may still be valid, and we'd want those comments to stay useful.
>We use XPointer to attach annotations to documents. The more robust the
>XPointer is, the less dependent the annotation will be of document changes.
>If you use ID attributes, the annotation will start from that attribute.
>Ideally, a combination of both ID attributes and DIV elements can help you
>have better XPointers. The point is that this has to be planned from the
>moment you make a document. A slightly deeper description of this, together
>with an example is given in the Amaya/Help/Annotations page.
> > 2. Can there be annotation of annotations?
>The Annotea model allows it. However, in the last released version of Amaya,
>it's not possible to do so. We're currently working on adding this feature,
>as well as the possibility to reply to annotations and viewing all those
>replies in a thread view. We plan to demo this at WWW10 DevDay.
> > 3. Will there be structured annotations?  In other words, in addition to
> > free form comments, comments that involve new machine readable statements.
>We haven't yet discussed this aspect in the Annotea team. You should
>distinguish between reading, parsing, and editing that information. Mixing
>EARL RDF statements with the Annotea statements is no problem. XML and NS
>allows to do that. From the user point of view, it's completely transparent
>if a user or, say, an EARL process generates an annotation. Once it is stored
>in a database (or in a file), we can browse it as any other annotation.
>If you want the user to be able to understand the EARL RDF statements, your
>application must be able to understand them or at least show them. Today,
>it's not possible to show those extra statements with Amaya.
>I don't know how you would like to add those EARL statements to the
>annotations. It could be done either as the body of the annotation (pointing
>to the EARL statemets), embeeded in the annotation structure, or as a link to
>some other resource, referenced from the annotation structure.
> > 4. Accessibility of Amaya to people with disabilities is improving but
> > there still seem to be some remaining problems, like need to use a
> > mouse.  Will annotea be accessible to people with disabilities, per the 
> wai
> > user agent guidelines [2]
>I think you want to mean "will the Amaya implementation of Annotea be more
>accesible...". The answer is yes. For the moment, we have been building
>the infrastructure, but little by little we hope to make it more WAI
>Thanks again for your questions.

Leonard R. Kasday, Ph.D.
Institute on Disabilities/UAP and Dept. of Electrical Engineering at Temple 
(215) 204-2247 (voice)                 (800) 750-7428 (TTY)

Chair, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative Evaluation and Repair Tools Group

The WAVE web page accessibility evaluation assistant:

Received on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 09:27:52 UTC