- From: <sepstein@sentius.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 11:48:54 -0400 (EDT)
- To: www-annotation@w3.org
I invite members of this group to take a look at RichLink Author, a new authoring tool that allows multilevel annotations of words or phases. As the data sheet ( http://www.sentius.com/sentius/downloads/rla_bw.pdf ) indicates, RichLink Author allows you to create multiple layers of annotation for any word or phrase on the page. The annotation can be done automatically using databases of information. You can also use our WYSIWYG editor to add custom teacher notes or web links. The authoring tool is free and we sell collections of databases that allow it to annotate text automatically. The Language Annotation Suite (LAS) is the first set of RichLink databases relesased. It allows you to automatically annotate any document with any or all contents from the American Heritage English Dictionary as well as six bilingual dictionaries: Japanese Spanish French German Italian Dutch Other databases are in development and include Webster's Medical and Legal Dictionaries, Academic Press' Dictionary of Science and Technology, the Dictionary of Cultural Literacy , a Children's Dictionary and the Columbia Encyclopedia. In addition we have the ability to create custom RichLink Databases for clients and will make an advanced version of our authoring tool available so users can make their own databases. (For the time being, I am willing to work a limited number of clients to create some custom material.) We are also developing the ability to integrate our RichLink Automate service with e-mail systems. In this way a reader of English language e-mail will be able to have it RichLinked on the fly. This can extend to listeservs as well. Demos are available on the web site. Steven L. Epstein, Ph. D. (sepstein@sentius.com) Vice President for Market Development -- Sentius Corporation (914) 428-4090 Instant Understanding with RichLink Free download at www.sentius.com
Received on Wednesday, 26 May 1999 13:07:21 UTC