- From: Jon Garfunkel <jgarfunk@bbn.com>
- Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 17:53:32 -0400
- To: www-annotation@w3.org
I discovered the hidden trove of old web-annotation projects a year ago... and just recently to get back into dev/standards issues. For one, I was inspired at last week's WWW8 conference, particularly Tim's keynote, which mentioned the muted interest in annotation in recent memory. Secondly, just yesterday a startup company called ThirdVoice announced the availability of plug-in web annotation beta software! I was a bit disappointed that I hadn't gotten moving last spring, but so it goes, I have a job doing something else now. (Web stuff is related, but not fully, my job at BBN). The software only plugs-in with IE4/Windows. A NN4 version is forthcoming. The plug-in architecture is brilliant-- it is much superior to crit.org in performance, due to the new architecture. But there are some limitations, and I'm hoping to rally some people to get some standard development. The "White Paper" accompanying the software is severely lacking (join me in annotating it-- http://fb.thirdvoice.com/about/WhitePaperPage1.htm "And on the eighth day, He found the README file..." Jon Garfunkel .......................... phone 781-262-4797 Software Engineer ...................... Burlington Office 25/2020E VPN Advantage .......................... https://nes-web/people/jgarfunk GTE Internetworking /Powered By BBN/ .....................................
Received on Tuesday, 18 May 1999 17:57:12 UTC