Re: who is currently working on annotation?

>>>>> "Roland" == Roland Alton-Scheidl <> writes:

    > At 17:27 Uhr -0000 06.11.1998, Ken Hickman wrote:
    >>> > Does anyone know anyone else who is actively working on
    >>> third party > Web annotation and might want to join the list?

    > We did until some months ago; however the Web4Groups
    > architecture turned out not to be as flexible for our needs. We
    > are working on two new projects (an educational remake and a
    > commercial relaunch of Web4Groups), but annotation is not a
    > topic anymore in those projects.

I know little about the Web4Groups architecture.  Could you summarize
in a couple of sentences why the architecture was not flexible enough?  

    > You may visit our annotation commander prototype which pops up
    > in a separate window if you launch it from your bookmarks list
    > at

I had the same 404 NOT FOUND problem as Laurent, plus after reloading
I got the following error message:  

  Web4Groups Annotation Service requires JavaScript cookie support!  

This was somewhat odd since I have both JavaScript and cookies enabled
in my Netscape 4.05 browser.  Perhaps you use a proprietary Microsoft
Internet Explorer mechanism?  


| Rolf Nelson (, Project Manager, W3C at MIT
|   "Try to learn something about everything
|             and everything about something."  --Huxley


Received on Friday, 13 November 1998 13:19:14 UTC