- From: Silvain Dupertuis <silvain-dupertuis@bluewin.ch>
- Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2017 16:35:57 +0100
- To: www-amaya@w3.org
- Message-ID: <68bfed61-9400-392b-a259-b25e7c783c85@bluewin.ch>
I happen to be on the mailing list of Amaya. I have been using this software from time to time. I do not know about the tutorial. I found this software quite nice (and the only one I know with this kind of capacities, in particular to work simultaneously visually and with the actual code). Is it easy to work with... One drawback for me was that it does not keep HTML code formatting (that is, if you like to add TABS and use indentation of your own in your HTML code, Amaya will not keep it. It reformats the code according to it's own rules from the DOM when you edit and save a HTML document. The advantage is that it does it automatically - if you are satisfied with the way it is done (which has of course no incidence of the resulting presentation of the page as seen by your browser), so that you do not have to worry and you can do most things without touching the actuel HTML code. / //Silvain Dupertuis/ Le 27. 12. 16 à 09:28, Peter Shikli a écrit : > The http://dnwfriends.nzl.org/amayaproject/tut1.html link from "Amaya tutorial" on > https://www.w3.org/Amaya/Actors.html is broken (404 error). > > Is there a working Amaya tutorial? > > Sincerely, > Peter Shikli > Bizware Online Applications, Inc. > San Clemente, CA 92674 > 949-369-1638 - pshikli@bizware.com > Cell: 949-677-3705 > FAX: 213-337-7029 > www.bizware.com > Automating Online Business Communities > > > > -- Silvain Dupertuis Route de Lausanne 335 1293 Bellevue (Switzerland) tél. +41-(0)22-774.20.67 portable +41-(0)79-604.87.52 web: silvain-dupertuis.org <http://perso.silvain-dupertuis.org>
Received on Tuesday, 3 January 2017 15:36:36 UTC