Missing libccryto.so.7 and libssl.so.7


I tried to install Amaya from a binary on an OpneSUSE 11.3  x86_64 system. It 
complains about missing libcrypto.so.7 and libssl.so.7 . Normally one can fool 
this kind of requirement by making a symbolic link with this name to the 
latest implementation of the library on your system. This is also a solution 
proposed on some SUSE forums. But it does not work. I tried to put the 
symbolic link in different places, without result. I tried also to compile 
from  source code, but then there were other missing elements. So why does the 
symbolic link method not work? Why require such a specific version instead of 
a certain version or higher? Or where can I find a version of these libraries 
suitable for OpenSUSE?


Hubert Christiaen
Bloesemlaan 17
3360 Korbeek-Lo

Received on Monday, 27 September 2010 13:39:08 UTC