Re: Amaya and screen readers

Hi Alex,
Hi from Buenos Aires! This might be of some help to you.

Amaya is a structured editor, that is, it sports levels of containment.
For example, a p tag may contain some span tags, and the p itself can be
contained into a div ... ultimately everything will be contained into the
body tag.
So, when the insertion point is placed in any element, hitting the esc key
or the f2 key will expand the selection to the next upper containment
One issue is that at first when Amaya starts the insertion point is nowhere.
Hitting tab once puts it at the beginning of the document.

Another helpful feature is the status bar at the bottom of the window. It
displays all the contaiment hierarchy, for example now I have "html > body >
div.textColumn > div.framed > p > em > strong".
Clicking any of these elements will select it.

Yet another one is that if you hit control-h control-g Amaya sets a TOC in
the insertion point that might be used to quickly find out the documents
content. Control-z will blow it out.

Is this information useful? As I never used Jaws I can´t say.

I use Amaya as my text document editor since lots of years ago. It lets me
do rather elaborate documents. I developed enough HTML and CSS knowledge for
this to happen.
When other have to modify the document then I open it with MSWord and save
it as a .doc file.
Juan Lanus

On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 13:07, Alex Midence <> wrote:

>  Hello from Texas!!  J
> I wondered if you might tell me what settings I need to modify in Amaya to
> make it work with my screen reader.  I use Jaws for windows 11.0.  I can
> navigate the menus and dialog boxes just fine.  I can identify and use all
> buttons in the toolbars.  What I can not do, however, is actually navigate
> the document I am editing.  I can’t, for instance, add text to a paragraph
> or determine if a link is appearing where it neds to, etc.  None of the
> editing/text entry area has been navigable for me.  Can you help?  The
> control name I speak of is wx Amaya Canvas.
> Thanks,
> Alex Midence

Received on Wednesday, 7 July 2010 23:21:00 UTC